Congratulations to Brent Ferrell and co-authors on this publication!
Ferrell PB, Diggins KE, Polikowsky HG, Mohan SR, Seegmiller AC, Irish JM. High-dimensional analysis of acute myeloid leukemia reveals phenotypic changes in persistent cells during induction therapy. PLOS One 2016 Apr 13;11(4). PMC4830605. Pubmed. DOI.
► This peer-reviewed research study was the first to use mass cytometry to track human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells over time during therapy in patients. This study revealed dramatic remodeling of leukemia cell identity following chemotherapy treatment. In vivo observations showed that AML cells adopt a phenotype that is distinct from all other non-malignant immune cells, including healthy hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.